Substitute Lessons - May 26
Here are the documents -
This lesson needs 90 copies for periods 1, 2, and 3.
Global History and GeographyThis lesson needs 33 copies for period 5.
U.S. History and GovernmentThis lesson needs 34 copies for period 8.
EconomicsThank you.
Economist Discusses the "BailOut'
This guy clearly expresses my doubts about the bailout bill. I like the way that he focuses on the average person. What does he say about how to fix the economy?
Don't we feel a little robbed?
8th Graders - A video clip about Black Tuesday
Here is a video clip about the Stock Market crash:
Click here to get Stock Market Crash at
Oh my! Ms. Tennant is getting married.
Well kiddies, it looks like I will be going through with it. Yes, I'm going to change my name. It will be hard to respond to Ms. Poultney, but I suppose, in time, I will get used to it. Welcome to my new blogspot. I hope you enjoy it!